End of anonymity: stepping into the dawn of communication and a new paradigm in gamete donor counseling Donor anonymity appears to be going the way…
Posts published in “Embryology and Reproductive Medicine”
Health status of young adults conceived by assisted reproductive technology: is there cause for concern? Although pregnancy outcomes among conceptions with assisted reproductive technology have…
Body mass index in relation to extracellular vesicle–linked microRNAs in human follicular fluid To study whether increased body mass index is associated with altered expression…
The preimplantation genetic testing debate continues: first the hype, then the tension, now the hypertension? The study by Zhang and colleagues (1) in this month’s…
What is Restorative Medicine? Meet Dr Phil Boyle, Developer of Neo Fertility and fertility doctor member of the Irish Fertility Society and President of the…
DNA methylation profiling of peripheral blood samples is a promising new approach to screen for male infertility Male infertility is a complex, multifactorial, and heterogeneous…
Effect of GnRH agonist and letrozole treatment in women with recurrent implantation failure To compare the influence of dual suppression with the use of GnRH…
Next-generation sequencing analysis of embryos from mosaic patients undergoing in vitro fertilization and preimplantation genetic testing To investigate the effects of parental mosaicism on their preimplantation embryos. …
Letrozole use during frozen embryo transfer cycles in women with polycystic ovary syndrome To investigate whether live birth rate (LBR) following frozen-thawed embryo transfer in…
A case of obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly syndrome complicated with pyometra: tips and tricks for laparoscopic hemihysterectomy To present a case of obstructed…