EP 164: Don’t despair there are clinics that really care
My guest Alpesh Doshi is a consultant Clinical Embryologist and a co-founder of IVF London.

Alpesh Doshi and Louise Brown at The Science Museum, London
Alpesh is also a co-founder and director of the Embryology and PGD Academy and previously worked at the Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health in the leading capacity as a Director of Embryology for 19 years and was pivotal in optimising the success rates.
He was also an honorary consultant at the Reproductive Medicine Unit at UCLH NHS Trust. He holds a postgraduate degree in Human Reproductive Medicine and has qualified from the prestigious Imperial College School of Medicine.
Alpesh is a Diplomate of the Royal College of Pathologists and also an ESHRE certified Senior Embryologist. He has been an executive committee member of several international embryology societies and holds a very active interest in promoting education platforms through these professional bodies.
Alpesh was among the first scientists to bring the egg and embryo freezing technology of ‘vitrification’ to the UK in 2007, a fact I hadn’t realised on speaking to him and want to talk more with him about.. plus, he is a world renowned expert in the biopsy of human embryos for genetic testing.
As well as authoring several papers in high impact journals Alpeh has written several book chapters in addition to being an honorary lecturer at University College London where he teaches embryology on two of the Masters courses.
It’s quite amazing he’s had the time to create and launch his own clinic, yet he has and it was so fascinating chatting with Alpesh about his reasons for doing so. He was really keen to stress how important his emphasis on patient care is. Firstly, he’ll be making sure patients work with a fertility coach throughout their treatment as well as putting on workshops for diet and nutrition and yoga.
This is like the advert ‘If Carlsberg made clinics’… don’t you think, being looked after every step of the way!
Visit IVF London to find out more and follow on Instagram Facebook Twitter
I also mentioned the amazing work embryologists do and wanted you to hear a chat I had with Rachel Cutting which you can hear here .
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Source: The Fertility Podcast
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