Recombinant human oviductin regulates protein tyrosine phosphorylation and acrosome reaction Yuewen Zhao<br />Sep 25, 2016; 152:561-573<br />Research Source: Journal of Reproductive Medicine
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Hofbauer cells of M2a, M2b and M2c polarization may regulate feto-placental angiogenesis J Loegl<br />Sep 21, 2016; 152:447-455<br />Research Source: Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Endometrial stem cells repair injured endometrium and induce angiogenesis via AKT and ERK pathways Yanling Zhang<br />Sep 21, 2016; 152:389-402<br />Research Source: Journal of Reproductive…
FGF9, activin and TGF{beta} promote testicular characteristics in an XX gonad organ culture model Sonja E Gustin<br />Sep 21, 2016; 152:529-543<br />Research Source: Journal of…
Atsushi Fukuda<br />Sep 21, 2016; 152:417-430<br />Research Source: Journal of Reproductive Medicine
A comprehensive transcriptomic view on the role of SMAD4 gene by RNAi-mediated knockdown in porcine follicular granulosa cells Lifan Zhang<br />Jun 6, 2016; 152:81-89<br />Research …
Induction of expression and phosphorylation of heat shock protein B5 (CRYAB) in rat myometrium during pregnancy and labour J G Nicoletti<br />Jun 6, 2016; 152:69-79<br…
Spatial differences in gene expression in the bovine oviduct Veronica Maillo<br />Jun 2, 2016; 152:37-46<br />Research Source: Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in repeated IVF failure, a randomized trial Ashraf Aleyasin<br />May 17, 2016; 151:637-642<br />Research Source: Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Regulation of bovine oviductal NO synthesis by follicular steroids and prostaglandins Yoshihiko Kobayashi<br />May 17, 2016; 151:577-587<br />Research Source: Journal of Reproductive Medicine