My donor cycle has been cancelled. Now what? Here’s a bonus mid-week episode continuing the focus that other fellow poddy’s have been giving to your…
Embies Infertility Information and Resources Site
Human oocytes harboring damaged DNA can complete meiosis I To determine whether human oocytes possess a checkpoint to prevent completion of meiosis I when DNA…
What support is there for men dealing with infertility? Eleanor Stephenson Kevin McEleny It was a bleak and dreary day.. .Kate and I connected with…
Vasovasostomy: kinetics and predictors of patency To assess the timing of patency and late failure (secondary azoospermia) after vasovasostomy (VV) using standardized kinetics definitions. Source:…
Higher chromosomal abnormality rate in blastocysts from young patients with idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss To determine whether the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in blastocysts is…
An update on uterine cervix pathologies related to infertility Many papers and reviews have described the changes of the cervix during pregnancy, cervical cancer, sexually…
Current knowledge about the management of congenital cervical malformations: a literature review The prevalence of congenital cervical agenesis or dysgenesis ranges from 1/80,000 to 1/100,000,…
Why are the numbers of BAME women seeking fertility treatments are so low? Dr…
COVID-19: lessons from the Italian reproductive medical experience By the time you’re reading this, much will have transpired. That’s the story with the exponential spread…
E-cigarette use in reproductive-aged women and pregnancy: a rising health concern As of December 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and media have…